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Is Bing Finally Catching Up With Google?

The race of the two tech giants to be the top in the search engine dominance has reached a new ground as Bing is stepping up its game after partnering with Yahoo to regain dominance in worldwide online search. The article below is my insight on the two tech giants battle to dominate the online search query industry.

How to Use Reddit for Internet Marketing

Do you want to do plan your internet marketing campaigns differently rather than opting for the usual ways of leveraging Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram? If yes, here’s how you can leverage Reddit for this purpose.

Internet Marketing – Is Your Time Management Out of Control?

Is your time management out of control? Does your internet marketing business control you or do you control it? Try these 4 simple tips to improve your time management.

Content Marketing: 4 Ways to Write Effective and Engaging Content

Content marketing is something you might have heard that works so you decide to try it out for your business. Time passes and you see that no one is interacting with your content. Yes there might be people watching, but it feels just like a person who looks up an item from outside the shop’s window and then leaves. In order to change this, you need to step up your game and add more to your content. In the next paragraphs, you will be given 4 ways to write effective and engaging content

Internet Marketing Business – 7 Internet Marketing Mistakes To Avoid As a Newbie

There are some amazing marketing strategists out there. You can really learn a thing or two from them. If you want to reach their success, that is. No one wants to end up on the bad side of the road, so here are 7 internet marketing mistakes you can avoid:

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