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What Marketing Automation Means?

Complete information about Marketing Automation. From its first step when the internet was a new thing to the latest times when Marketing Automation has evolved into a much more diversified and detailed procedure.

What’s the Real Purpose of Content Marketing?

What do I mean by a content marketing strategy? First, you have to know the goal. What’s the goal? The goal is to attract targeted prospects to you. The popular internet jargon for this is to drive traffic.

How to Make Your Bricks Click: Digital Marketing for Retailers

There is never an easy time to be a retailer, but things are more complicated than ever with smart phones and consumer’s expectations that you will anticipate their needs and deliver highly personalized experiences both in-store and online. Traditional retailers who will thrive in the next ten years will be those who embrace digital both in their stores and online. Even though eCommerce is growing at 10x the rate of physical stores, in 2020 more than 80 percent of U…

Social Overtones In Digital Marketing

During the inception of internet 2 decades back, no one could have imagined the level of influence it will have on our collective lives. While it is true that the opinion of one single individual does not really matter, when it comes to the virtual world, a single opinion can catch on like wildfire to spread across the globe in a matter of hours. This kind of growth was unthinkable at one point. Nonetheless, the facts that we see are right before us in the form of a myriad series of examples over the years.

Entering the World of Content Marketing

You’ve heard the buzz about content marketing, but maybe you don’t know what exactly everyone is talking about. Well, it’s not exactly a new idea, just one that has recently begun to take off in the corporate world. Content marketing is the use of blogs and social media platforms to build digital marketing campaigns that are designed to achieve the goals of traditional advertising strategies.

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