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3 Simple Steps to Get That Website Traffic Humming

One of the main goals for business owners with an online presence would be to obtain as many website visitors as possible. Some people think this comes easy to them while other think it’s a difficult, if not an impossible task.

3 Ways to Leverage the Internet in Your Personal Marketing

Now, there are more than three ways to leverage the Internet in your personal marketing, but for simplicity sake, I am going to cover the three things that I feel are important enough to put at the top of your marketing list. Are you ready?

Are You Missing a Step in Your Marketing?

When you look at how you are marketing your business, what do you see? Is there rhyme and reason to it, or do you just ‘fly by the seat of your pants’? If flying by the seat of your pants sounds more like you, don’t worry – you are definitely not alone.

Is Product Creation All About Needs Or Wants?

In this article I am going to discuss whether you should focus on what your customer wants or what they actually need. With information marketing you are usually providing a solution to a particular problem and therefore it is natural to focus on what your customer actually needs. However, what if they don’t actually want to your solution?

5 Main Areas That Will Dominate the Online Marketing Arena in 2014

Predictions are coming in from various top online marketers. Tactics for online marketing are drastically changing due to the evolution of content marketing, social media platforms, images plus brief content, marketing more mobile friendly apps, browser cookies and relevant SEO keywords. Some key methods that are predicted to dominate during the next year are as follows, in no particular order of rank.

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