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Common Mistakes That Twitter Users Make

I’m sure you’ve seen it. Some users don’t post their real picture. They use cartoon pictures, company logos, or their pet’s pictures. Although the pictures are quite cute and may grab some attention, most Twitter users will appreciate seeing a real picture of you, especially if you are trying to connect on a business level.

Why You Should Brand Yourself Online

Branding yourself online is not just for celebrities. It is for anyone who wants to get into the game. If you don’t brand yourself people will perceive you as having nothing special to offer and therefore would more than likely not remember your site.

Tips to Increase Online Sales: Formula to Double Your Conversion Rate

Contrary to popular belief, there’s actually a science to learn before you can increase online sales. The following “success triangle formula” is designed to give you tips to increase online sales where you can increase sales conversion rate enough to grant you the income you need for a full time profession in internet sales.

The Secret Laws of Attraction When Starting An Online Business

The Law of Attraction is about focusing on what you really want. Have you given thought to the things you really want? Saying that you want more money is fine but maybe it’s simply the stuff money can buy that you want.

The Case for Positioning Versus Branding – Online Marketing

Marketing campaigns that don’t have the expected impact can be traced to a misunderstanding of market dynamics focused on branding, when the primary focus required should be Positioning. Brand and Position can be considered different sides of the same coin. Think of positioning as the purpose or the reason for being in business.

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