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Independence And Online Marketing

Here in the USA we are celebrating Independence Day and what better time to revisit Financial Freedom by way of internet marketing!I believe there is no better way to financial freedom and happiness than internet marketing. What other business offers the monetary awards and the ability to work from home and have the time to spend with family?

Being Smart About WordPress Security

You may well have heard all the buzz online about the attacks on WordPress security. Unfortunately this is no joke, and it needs to be taken very seriously, or all you’ve built could be hijacked or worse, lost to you. Beginning in the first week of April of this year, “botnets” have launched attacks against scantily protected WordPress sites, targeting some 90,000 at last count.

WordPress Security Under Attack: Backing Up Is No Longer Optional

Since early April 2013 WordPress security has been under attack by a “botnet”, which scours the Web seeking unprotected WordPress installs that it can plunder and take over. This attack has used more than 90,000 different computers to access more than 60 million sites online! The purpose of these attacks is to infect your computer, and enlist it into a network of compromised sites.

What Is Article Marketing? Don’t Worry, We’ve Nutshelled It

What is article marketing? We’ve composed a nice, short version to help you understand just what article marketing is and how it can potentially help you and your business. Read on!

Getting the Best for Your Business With Online Slide Presentations

You most likely have heard the cliche that a “picture is worth a thousand words”. When it comes to slide presentations you have the advantage of combining pictures and words as a marketing tool for your business. It all begins by putting together a good slide presentation that gets the message out that you want to share with your potential clients. There are many excellent free programs to help you compile your slide presentation. Once you have completed this task then you need to begin to market your presentation in order to get it seen.

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