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The Blog Page – A Secret Weapon For Internet Marketers

So you have your new product all ready to go, your sales pitch written and your Shopping Cart set up – all rolled up in a great new website ready for action. But what about your Blog Page? Why on earth would you need one of those on a website that is essentially a sales site? Well, you’d be surprised at just how beneficial a Blog Page can be…

Your Online Persona

Who are you online? How do our online persona’s actually effects our business and/or our reputation. Why do we choose the personas we choose?

Inbound Marketing: The Answer to Rising CPC Costs?

Is inbound marketing the alternative to CPC advertising? Some are saying so, in light of historical figures showing dramatically rising CPC costs and predictions that they’ll continue to rise over time. But is inbound marketing a one-size-fits-all solution?

Facebook Interest Lists: A Game-Changer for Brands

Facebook is constantly adding and changing up its features, often affecting the way brands manage their pages and promote their businesses. The latest rollout that has had a significant impact on Facebook brand marketing is the Interest Lists feature. Now, brand pages are now faced with promoting their posts if they want most of their followers to see their content.

How to Make a Forum

Building a forum on your website is a good way to encourage discussion and more time being spent on your site. This is an invaluable source of committed and targeted traffic which converts very well. Developing a forum is also helpful from an SEO standpoint considering that all of the content which people post on that forum can appear in the SERPs, so it’s an additional source of free traffic. Alternatively, you can develop a special members only forum for your website to attach to and help sell your product. In this post we’re going to cover how to make a forum.

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