Make More Sales By Quoting Authority Figures
When evaluating your product or service, your Web site visitor is influenced by the opinions of people in authority and what they say about you, your business and your products and services. If you can tap into this authority, it helps your site visitor make their decision, and increases the chances of them taking action.
Make More Sales By Getting Your Foot in the DoorIf you’re not getting enough site visitors to buy from your Web site, it might be because you’re asking them to make too big a leap. If you can get them to agree to take a small step first, they are more likely to make a larger step later. This is known in psychology as the principle of “commitment and consistency”: When somebody makes an initial commitment to something, they are then more inclined to act in ways consistent with that initial commitment. You can also think of this as the “foot in the door” technique, where a salesperson at a customer’s front door just tries to get their foot in the door first, and that’s the first step to (eventually) making a sale.
3 Tips For Ultimate Internet MarketingWhen it comes to doing online promotions, many people think they know it all. You could simply type in the terms Internet marketing and networking, only to be flooded with results from people that are saying the same thing over and over again.
Make More Sales By Making a ComparisonYour Web site visitors will only buy if they perceive your product or service gives them true value. But it’s difficult to convince them if you’re only trying to persuade them that it’s more valuable than the money they will hand over. Instead, make the comparison more tangible by contrasting your product with other things.
Make More Sales By Establishing Your CredentialsBefore somebody buys from your Web site, they want to know there’s a reputable business behind it. In the era of social media and personal branding, this usually means they want to know something about the people running the business as well. This goes beyond just a paragraph and photograph on your About Us page. Instead, you have to demonstrate your credibility, credentials and authority.