Why Internet Marketing Is Costlier With Companies When Compared to Freelancers

This article deals with the question why freelancers charge very less compared to companies that give online marketing as a service. Based on my experience, both good and bad, I have written this article. Comments and critics are most welcome.

Does Your Web Site Push in a Pull Market?

If your marketing isn’t working for you it is working against you. There is no middle ground here because even lukewarm is a killer in the market place. To get your web marketing to work for your business it has to first work for your market – if you know who you are marketing to.

A Series of Google Algorithm Changes You Should Know

Anything announced by the Search Engine titan, Google is news. Google introduces changes in algorithm every year multiple times to provide great search experience users and for flexible search.

Internet Marketing for Your Online Business

No matter what type of online business you have, the success or failure of that business relies very heavily on how well you market it to current and potential customers. So many businesses go by the wayside on a daily basis just because they have not spent enough time developing a marketing strategy and implementing it. Sure it is great when you have a base of customers to start with, but you need to not only maintain that base but cultivate new leads that will lead to more sales and revenue. Learning the importance of Internet marketing for your business can make the difference between success and failure.

Love at First Blink – Instant Attention Capture Is Key to Internet Marketing Success

Titling your messages to achieve Love at First Blink or Instant Attraction is an inescapable necessity for success in Internet Marketing. You have 3-5 seconds and 3-5 words to capture the Internet reader’s attention. You must instantly “wow” them or establish your credibility or commonality with your reader or they are gone. Convey how your offer can deliver on their Loves, Fears, Wants and Desires. Immediately convey the core concept of your product, service, knowledge or thrill.

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